“My Hero” sounds songs in memory of Commander Qassem Soleimani Ballad

TEHRAN – Art Bureau of the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization has released an album entitled “My Hero” to remember Commander Qassem Soleimani a few days before the first anniversary of his assassination.
The album features nine ballads composed by Alireza Qazveh, Reza Yazdani, Ali-Mohammad Moaddab, Mohammad-Hossein Nemati, Faezeh Zarafshan, Milad Habibi, Mohammadreza Shafiei and Omid Mahdinejad.
The songs “Kingdom of Soleimani”, “The Final Stage”, “Hajji Qassem’s Army”, “Everlasting Hero”, “Commander of Lovers”, “Damascus Time”, “My Hero”, “There Remains an Exam” and “Man of the Field” have been performed by various singers and choirs.
“My Hero” has been recorded in collaboration with the Martyr Soleimani Foundation, which was established after the assassination by the U.S. in Baghdad on January 3 of the chief of Quds Force, the overseas arm of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps.
The album is available for free download on the Art Bureau’s website.
After his martyrdom, Soleimani has become the subject of several films, theatrical and musical productions and festival programs.
The Art and Cultural Organization of the Tehran Municipality announced last Thursday a plan to release “The Soldier”, a symphonic poem composed in memory of Soleimani on the first anniversary of his martyrdom.
On a Thursday night in this past February, the 35th edition of the Fajr Music Festival wrapped up at Tehran’s Vahdat Hall with a performance of “Under Siege” by the Tehran Symphonic Orchestra in commemoration of Martyr Qassem Soleimani.
Vocalist Alireza Eftekhari in collaboration with composer Mohammadreza Charaghali also released the single “The Man of the Battlefield” to express their sympathy over the martyrdom of Soleimani.
The song was composed based on verses from a poem by Persian mystic Molana Jalal ad-Din Rumi.
Pop singer Gholamreza Sanatgar also performed the song “Qassem Is Still Alive”, for which he received a nomination for the title of the Islamic Revolution Artist of the Year.
Photo: A poster for the album “My Hero” produced at the Music Center of the Art Bureau.
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